Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

For this time I post a different topic. This topic is about structure of fable. But don't worry, for the next post I will come back to "Ice Cream" topic..So enjoy it!

The Panda and The Tiger

  • Who?
    • The Panda and The Tiger
  • Where?
    • In jungle
  • When?
    • Do not know
  • What happen one day?
    • The Panda, had left his bamboo grove to see what else was in the jungle. He wandered about for hours, seeing things he had never before seen. He saw water falling down from the tops of mountains to the rivers below. He saw brightly colored birds that never ventured near the grove. And he also saw a giant tree, with vines hanging from its branches.
  • What happened then?
    • He decided to climb a vine to the top, and see all the jungle at once.
  • And then...?
    • As he started to climb, the branch began to sag. When he got halfway to the top, the branch snapped and he fell to the ground. He landed right on his back legs, and one of them broke. He laid there, in agony, and realized he had no way to get home, or get food.
  • What happened next?
    • Then, a Tiger came along. The Panda was sure he would be eaten, but the Tiger said, "Don't worry. I am here to help you." The Tiger tried to carry the Panda, but he was too heavy. "I am sorry, but I cannot carry you back to your home," said the Tiger. "But I can bring you bamboo, and protect you until you can walk again." So the Panda agreed. The Tiger guarded the Panda at all times, unless he was bringing him food. The Tiger brought large amounts of bamboo, and the Panda ate very well.
  • Then?
    • After several days, his legs no longer hurt. So, the Panda tried to leave. But he found he weighed too much, and his legs could not support him. 
  • What happende next?
    • The Tiger smiled, and approached with saliva dripping from his mouth. "What are you doing? I thought you were helping me!"shouted The Panda.
  • What is the end of the story?
    • Actually all of that time The Tiger was only helping himself.
  • Is the ending happy or sad?
    • It's a sad ending.

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