Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Types of Ice Cream

Hard Ice Cream
Traditional or regular ice cream made with cream and/or milk, sugar, and may contain eggs, stabilizers and other flavouring ingredients such as vanilla, chocolate, fruit and many other add-ins…the options seem endless.

French Ice Cream
Traditional ice cream made with a custard base containing cream and/or milk, egg yolks or whole eggs, sugar, stabilizers and other flavourings.

Soft Ice Cream
Ice cream made with milk and/or cream, sugar, stabilizers and flavourings that is frozen at a higher temperature in a special machine that keeps the mixture smooth, creamy and soft while it’s being frozen. It is stored in the machine as a liquid ice cream mix and frozen as it’s served into a cone or bowl. This is available at restaurants and specialty ice cream shops.

Light Ice Cream
Traditional ice cream made with milk ingredients, sugar, stabilizers and other flavourings that contains at least 25% less milk fat than regular hard ice cream.

Reduced Fat Ice Cream
Made with lower fat milk ingredients, sugar, stabilizers and other flavourings. The amount of fat can vary and is declared on the label.

Fat-free Frozen Dairy Dessert
Made with modified milk ingredients, sugar or artificial or natural sweeteners and stabilizers, this ice cream contains about 0.1% fat or 0.5 g fat per serving.

No Sugar Added Ice Cream or Frozen Dairy Dessert
Similar to ice cream, generally made with milk ingredients and stabilizers as well as artificial sweeteners or natural sugar substitutes and other flavourings. These desserts are often lower in fat than regular ice cream.

Lactose-free Ice Cream
Ice cream made with added lactase enzyme and therefore contains no detectable lactose making it more easily digestible for people with lactose intolerance.

Gluten-Free Ice Cream
Since some stabilizers and other ingredients added in ice cream production may contain gluten, it is important to read the ingredients list to make sure the ice cream is gluten-free. Some brands include a “gluten-free” logo on the label.

Organic Ice Cream
Any type of ice cream made with organically produced milk and other ingredients.

Italian-style Gelato
A dense ice cream generally made with more milk than cream (making it lower in fat), egg yolks, sugar or other sweeteners and flavourings. Gelato has a more intense flavour than traditional ice cream and less air.

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Ice Cream Cone

Cone is the first container were found to put the ice cream that can be eaten . An ice cream cone, also known as 'cornet' is actually a pastry used to serve ice cream and is prepared from wafers. The texture of ice cream cones is somewhat similar to that of a waffle. Cake cones, waffle cones, sugar cones and pretzel cones are the different types of ice cream cones. Nowadays, ice cream cones and cupcakes are used as containers for ice cream. However, edible cones were invented only in 1904.

Ice cream being one of the most popular edible items the world over, it would be interesting to find out how the ice cream cone was invented. During the World's Fair of 1904 which was organized in the United States, Ernest Hamwi used zalabia, a waffle-like pastry to serve ice cream. Arnold Fornachou, an ice cream vendor, had run out of paper dishes, which prompted Earnest Hamwi to use the zalabia as a substitute for them. He rolled the zalabia into a cone-shaped container to hold ice cream. Edible cones became instantly popular and people started using them to serve ice cream in the fair itself. Many people tried to take the credit for inventing the cone for using it as an ice cream container.

Lebanese immigrant, Abe Doumar built one of the first machines in the United States for making ice cream cones. Doumar created waffle type cones by adapting a waffle iron into a cone oven. However, Doumar did not make his first cone oven until after the World's Fair.