Sabtu, 27 April 2013

How to Manage School Trash

Trash is a residue of a business or activity [human] who are solid [in the form of organic and inorganic substances that are biodegradable and non-biodegradable] and is not considered useful anymore [so disposed to the environment]. Nature knows no trash, only recycled materials and energy. Only people who litter [result in the garbage].
All sorts of organisms that exist in nature always produces waste material, because there is no conversion process has an efficiency of 100%. Most of the waste material produced by organisms that exist in nature are organic [CHO ties, part of the living body]. Waste from human activities which can be organic or inorganic. Examples of organic waste are: food scraps, paper, wood and bamboo. While inorganic waste [the results of the process plant] for example: plastic, metal, glass, and rubber.
Garbage is a consequence of the presence of human activity. Every human activity must generate waste or garbage. The amount of waste comparable to the level of human consumption of goods / materials are used in everyday life. The population growth and lifestyle are very influential on the volume of waste.

Characteristics of the waste in schools:

     School as a gathering place for many people to be the largest waste producer in addition to the market, household, industrial and institutional. In general, waste can be separated into:
  1.  Organic waste / nonperishable comes from food scraps, vegetable scraps and fruit skins, fish and meat, garden waste (grass, leaves and twigs).
  2. Inorganic waste / nonperishable form: paper, wood, fabric, glass, metal, plastic, rubber and soil.

     Waste generated mostly school is kind of dry waste and wet waste only slightly. Dry waste is produced mostly in the form of paper, plastic and a little metal. While the wet garbage from a tree fallen leaves, food scraps and food wrapping in banana leaves.

Trash does have a huge potential to be used as electrical energy, because the production of waste each year has increased. School is one of the public places in cities that generate waste and require considerable power. In addition, the school is a place young people to study, so that the knowledge which a student in the school can be directly applied. In this case the waste is processed utilizing the knowledge gained.
Processing process can be done in a way to accommodate the trash in a big hole closed (depends on the ability of each school). Then, made a hole which is distributed by pipeline heat boiler to the simple tool (a tool to steam heat exchanger). Then burned garbage in the hole. Burned garbage will generate heat that will be absorbed by the heat conduit.
After arriving at the boiler, generating heat which is then converted into a vapor that can be used to drive a generator producing electricity. Then, the electrical energy produced can be used as a power source for lighting, school supplies such as computers, garden lighting, lighting in the cafeteria, etc.. Thus, in particular electrical problems at school can be a bit overcome. If electrical energy is generated, then the electrical energy will be utilized out of school or be fully utilized in the school. For example, as the street lighting in the vicinity of the school.
It can provide many benefits, among other issues in urban household garbage can be resolved, ease the distribution of scattered garbage, lighten the burden of government on the issue of waste, tackle pollution caused by waste, reducing the danger of mosquitoes, flies and other diseases, and even more so in when the feast of the coming of the rainy season streak plus, sehigga constraints as it is often the case in Bali can be done well.
Production of electrical energy independently conducted by skolah can reduce electricity production costs and ease the burden of electricity costs the school. In addition, the presence of such a breakthrough, with no deliberate will have a positive influence to students.
Some positive effects are: students will be skilled in applying science in enrollments and increase student awareness of the good lingkungna management, learning creativity (utilizing waste into marketable products), caring learning environment, students will also be able to provide input to the neighborhood that has the problem of waste management or electricity shortage issue to make use of waste in the vicinity, as a source of electrical energy.
Of ideas and explanations above, it can be concluded that the waste has a huge potential as a producer of electrical energy, because the number is increasing every year. Management of waste into electrical energy conducted in schools will provide multi-positive-effects on the next generation (students).

Sabtu, 13 April 2013

The Most Expensive Ice Cream

The most expensive ice cream only can we find in New York City at New York's Serendepity 3 Restaurant. 
The Frozen Haute Chocolate, made by New York City restaurant, Serendipity 3 and priced at a mind-blowing $25,000 has claimed a spot in the Guiness World Records as The World’s Most Expensive Dessert.
Made from a blend of 28 cocoas from across the world, this decadent delicacy is infused with five grams of edible 23-karat gold and served in a goblet lined with edible gold. Serendipity 3 teamed up with jeweler Euphoria New York to create this amazing dessert.
Topped with whipped cream, more gold and a side of La Madeline au Truffle from Knipschildt Chocolatier, which sells for $2,600 a pound, the dessert comes with an 18K gold bracelet with a carat’s worth of diamonds that rests at the base of the goblet and a gold spoon set with white and chocolate-colored diamonds.
In claiming the “Most Expensive Dessert” title, the Frozen Haute Chocolate unseats another dessert, also by Serendipity 3, called Golden Opulence. And unseats it dramatically: Golden Opulence was priced at $1000, which seems measly when compared to the price of the Frozen Haute Chocolate.

This Golden Opulence is made on the 50th anniversary frame and named The Grand Opulence Sundae. The ice cream can be enjoyed at a price of $ 1,000 or in rupiah approximately 10 million rupiah.

The Golden Opulence Sundae contains 5 large spoon Tahitian vanilla beans which rich in flavor, given the taste of sweets fruits from Paris, decorated with leaves of pure 23 karat gold, given the Cherry Marzipan, sprinkled with Amedei chocolate Porceleana which is the most expensive chocolate in the world, and a huge hunk of rare Chuao chocolate and crowned with a glass bowl of Grand Passion Caviar great beer at the top. Ice cream is served in a cup-shaped drinking glass made ​​of crystal and a spoon made ​​of 18 carat gold. For the topping is golden-colored sugar flower by Ron Ben-Israel.