Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

The History of Machines and Factories

Way back in the land BC, the earliest mention in the "history of ice cream" suggests that it was made simply by mixing fruit or some kind of syrup mixture with snow. The discovery that salt could cool food down quicker and give it an iced texture led to the process of making iced desserts by packing containers with snow and saltpetre. It was not until the mid 1800s however, that the first recognized ice cream machine appeared.

In the 1840s an American lady, Nancy Johnson, gave the world the first hand-turned version of an ice cream machine. Some sources documenting the history of ice cream state that Nancy Johnson did not patent her invention, but records show that she did apply for and receive a patent in 1843.

It seems, however, that Ms Johnson wasn’t too strong on marketing techniques, and the machine was again patented by a Mr William Young in 1848, aptly named the “Johnson Patent Ice Cream Freezer”. This early example of an ice cream maker involved turning a crank by hand to allow the ice and salt to freeze the ingredients and give them an iced consistency. A laborious process it would seem, but a definite breakthrough in ice cream production.

In 1851, the first factory produced ice cream appeared, when Jacob Fussell began producing ice cream on a commercial basis in Maryland. Taking advantage of his success, he was able to open further ice cream factories elsewhere in North America and has since become a legend in the industry.

While the people of the United States and Europe continued to experiment with flavors and varieties of ice cream, an important development was being made in Kentucky by Clarence Vogt. In 1926, he introduced a mechanical ice cream freezer to the world, enabling the frozen products to be produced on a faster and much larger scale. 

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

History 1.2

History of Ice Cream in China

Future Emperor Tang Shang Dynasty rule is the king who has good taste towards food and drink. Chinese food in that day really made a world-class food. The best chefs from across China gathered, they were given a level or skill level. Mechanical cutting and frying become a pride for China expert cooks. When served ice taken from the snow, the Emperor did not immediately eat the ice. He asked that the ice is mixed with cow's milk, flour and a little camphor. The dough is stirred to form a cream. Begin known among the ice palace of ice cream in the form of dough a few ingredients. Then the ice was brought from China to Europe by King Tang of Shang, who found the method of making ice and milk concoctions.

History of Ice Cream in the UK

In the UK ice cream supposedly originated from the time of Charles I of England. When was King Charles I of England held a lavish feast for some friends and family. Feast day was made up of the food was very tasty, but for the desserts did not come. Some time later, after making various preparations, finally chef kingdom of France appeared to bring a dish or dessert of ice cream that is unique to the dinner table as a new menu creations. The dish was like a trickle of fresh snow that fell to earth, but it is so tender and sweet than the dessert dinner anywhere.

Guests were present when it was happy, and agree that the dessert is a dish best king. Finding such signals. King Charles's face look radiant, and when the guests disperse, King Charles then hastily summoned and ordered their French cook to keep the recipe a secret and do not divulge the secrets of the kingdom of cold food and also he wants the food was only served in the table of the kingdom, the king offered in return for a sum of £ 500 a year for it cooks.
The secret is still being maintained and kept by the chef, but at the time of Charles's head was decapitated by his political enemies in 1649, the ice cream is the secret stay secret alone. cook named DeMirco not keep its promise as requested by the king, the recipe was leaked and spread everywhere.

Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012


Ice Cream is a luxurious food and only served on special occasions. Previously, making ice cream is very troublesome. To make ice cream, ice obtained from a frozen lake or pond in the winter, then cut and stored in a haystack, a hole in the ground, or the place where ice is made of wood and straw. Ice stored for later use in summer.

As the summer. ice cream and then made traditionally by processing the dough in a large bowl placed inside a tube filled with a mixture of ice and salt that has been destroyed, which makes the dough ice cream is frozen.The history begins with the appearance of ice cream credible leadership from the time of the Roman emperor Nero in the year 64 AD which ordered to make a meal out of snow at the top of the mountains, served with fresh fruit on it. He ate snow mixed with subtle fruit and honey.

Others say the ice cream invented by the Chinese around 700 AD This cold dish made offerings to the Emperor Tang of the Shang Dynasty. Tang emperor who was a fan of the chefs culinary asks court to make ice cream from snow mix.Another story tells, ice cream comes in when the trade only between China and Italy. Marcopolo, the ocean explorer brings ice cream recipe to his country. Unlike the original recipe, Italian ice cream combined with syrup and ice mixture. Ice cream a la Italiano is then enjoyed by The Nobility of Europe and spread throughout the world.

In America, the new ice cream popular in the 19th century, along with the invention of the ice cream maker. The name ice cream comes from American colonists, from iced cram phase.